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Integrate your site with Drupal

GoCardless integrations are available as modules for Drupal Commerce, Ubercart, and Backdrop CMS.

The major advantage of GoCardless over other payment services is that it charges just 1% on transactions.

There are two kinds of payment service available from GoCardless: Subscriptions and One-off Payments.

Subscriptions are automatic recurring payment, and work well for users that want to take the same payment on a regular basis (for instance £5 per week, or £20 on the first of each month).

One-off payments allow you, the end user, to trigger a payment against a direct debit mandate at any time with the API. This allows you to charge your end customers ad-hoc amounts.

Sites that implement these modules are clients of Seamless CMS, which handles the management of direct debit mandates with GoCardless on behalf of the client site. Modules allow customers to create debit mandates for paying for products upon checking out, and provide backend tools for managing the mandates.

Commerce GoCardless Client is available for Drupal 7 and 8, and provides and integration with Drupal Commerce and

Download Commerce GoCardless Client module here.
Installation instructions for Drupal 7
Installation instructions for Drupal 8


Ubercart GoCardless Client is available for Backdrop CMS as well as Drupal.

Download the Backdrop version of Ubercart GoCardless Client here.
Installation instructions for Backdrop CMS

The Ubercart GoCardless Client module is available for Drupal 7 and 8, and provides an integration with the Ubercart e-commerce suite, and

Download Ubercart GoCardless Client module here.
Installation instructions for Drupal 7
Installation instructions for Drupal 8