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Installation Instructions

Ubercart installation on Drupal 7


* Introduction
* Requirements
* Recommended modules
* Installation
* Configuration
* International payments
* Issues
* Maintainers


The Ubercart GoCardless Client module provides an integration with the
Ubercart e-commerce suite, and Sites that implement the
module are 'clients' of, which handles the
management of direct debit mandates with GoCardless on behalf of the client

The module integrates into Ubercart like any other Payment service module,
and allows customers to create a direct debit mandate for paying for products
upon checking out.

The big advantage with GoCardless over other payment services is that it
charges just 1% on transactions.

There are two kinds of payment service available from GoCardless:
Subscriptions and One-off Payments.

Subscriptions are automatic recurring payment, and work well for users
that want to take the same payment on a regular basis (for instance £5 per
week, or £20 on the first of each month).

One-off Payments allow you, the end user, to trigger a payment against a
direct debit mandate at any time with the API. This allows you to charge
your end customers ad-hoc amounts.

* For a full description of the module, visit the project page:

* To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes:


* An SSL certificate (https) is required in order to use the module.

* This module requires the following modules:

- Ubercart Payment (
- Ubercart Product Attibutes (
- Date (


* Date Popup (
This module ships with the Date module and when enabled it provides a
user friendly popup widget for date fields.
* Fieldset Helper (
Provides enhanced user experience for customers and administrators
by remembering the state of a Drupal collapsible fieldsets.


* Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit:
for further information.


* Install and enable the Ubercart payment service in the normal way:
admin >> store >> settings >> payment >> method >> gc_client

* Before you can use your site with GoCardless you need to 'Connect' as a
client of Seamless CMS. More information on doing this is available at ...

* Ensure that the Payment method pane is enabled at
admin >> store >> settings >> checkout

* Additional settings are provided for each specific Ubercart product. These
are configured by clicking the GoCardless Settings vertical tab, at the
bottom of the product's node edit form.

* The module provides a Payment Interval attribute, with four presets:
weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly. Enabling this will allow your
customers to choose the payment plan of their choice. Alternatively you can
configure a product to a specific fixed payment interval.

* Several hooks are provided to enable other modules to interact with this
one at key moments, such as before setting up a new direct debit mandate,
or before creating a payment, or after receiving a webhook from GoCardless.
More information on using these is provided in uc_gc_client.api.php.


1. Connecting with GoCardless
There is a known issue with the cURL HTTP Request module, that causes
authentication to fail when this module attempts to connect.


The default region for is the UK, which uses the Bacs direct
debit scheme. To use international payments, you must first contact GoCardless,
and request that they enable the required region(s), so that you can use the
relevant direct debit schemes. Instructions on how to do this are at:

Having done this, international payments are enabled at:
admin >> store >> settings >> payment >> method >> gc_client.

After enabling international payments, choose which countries GC can handle,
at: admin >> store >> settings >> countries >> gocardless.

If you are using other payment methods in addition to GoCardless, you must
enable and configure the uc_ajax module, to ensure that the correct countries
are listed in the Delivery and Billing panes at checkout.

After enabling uc_ajax go to admin >> store >> settings >> checkout >> ajax:

1. Add 'Payment method' as a Triggering form element
2. Select Delivery information and Billing information as Panes to update
3. Submit

You must also make sure that GC isn't the default payment method, because it
needs to be actively selected in checkout in order to load the correct
countries. (The default payment method is the first enabled method in the list
at admin >> store >> settings >> payment.)


Q: Where can I get an affordable SSL certificate for my site?

A: SSL certificates are available for free from
Let's Encrypt is the first free and open Certificate Authority. Since they
are a charity it is recommended that you make a small donation to their
service to help make it sustainable.

Q: Why not integrate directly with GoCardless rather than as a client of
Seamless CMS?

A: It is perfectly possible to do this and GoCardless provide very good
instructions for using their API. However, as a partner of GoCardless,
Seamless CMS generates an income of 10% of GoCardless' fees
(0.1% of each transaction). It is intended that by building up this
business, I can develop a modest income stream to ensure that the module
is properly maintained, and I am able to respond efficiently to security
threats, issues, and feature requests. So please help spread the word!


Current maintainers:
* Rob Squires (roblog) -